Customizing Mixtape

App starter kit

Now it's time to apply what you've learned to complete your app!

Fork the repl to get started.

Python code overview

Let's take a quick look at the .py files in the repl; most of it should look familiar, or similar to what we've seen before.

  • serves a flask app with a single page, and does some processing for POST requests
  • has somewhere to put an access_token should we want to
  • contains tracks_detail, which is imported into and used by render_template()
  • has functions to fetch data from the Spotify API, and to extract summary information from it
  • has reset_votes() and log_user_choice() functions, which modify the replit database

Templates overview

  • our flask app will use the index.html template to create our page
  • the header and footer can be modified within base.html
  • index.html uses {% include ... } to incorporate top_section.html and tracks_section.html
  • top_section has no Jinja templating logic, i.e. dynamic elements to it
  • tracks_section has Jinja statements for the voting buttons but not track information

Things to do

First of all, work in

  • use the tracks.get_track_data() function with a valid access_token and some track_ids of your choice to fetch data from Spotify (six is a good number of tracks)
  • write this data to the replit database so it can be retrieved in future without needing to request from the API again
  • use tracks.track_summary() to extract data to display on the page, assigning it to tracks_detail

Then, work in tracks_section.html:

  • modify the template to display this data in the cards using Jinja statements

Finally, see if you can add some different styling to the app. We'll take a look at how to do this now.

Bootstrap styling

You'll notice in base.html that several stylesheets are imported, and that these can be found in the /static folder.

  • bootstrap.css was generated using the service, using the Sandstone theme
    • the _variables.scss file allows you to retainany customizations made with the tool
  • the Album example from the Bootstrap site was used as a basis for the page design and its CSS is in album.css
  • custom.css includes some further customizations, to fonts and the design of the cards

Google fonts

Take a look at custom.css; at the top you'll see several @import statements, and then references to the imported fonts in the font-family attributes of some of the CSS class declarations:

h1, h2 {
     font-family: 'Rock Salt', cursive;


  • we can get @import statements and associated font-family values for numerous other fonts from Google Fonts

CSS variables

h1, h2 {
     color: var(--dark);
  • notice the use of a CSS variable to apply the --dark color (defined in and inherited from bootstrap.css)